Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011


Diposting oleh Novia di 20.39
·        Decisions, Decisions: Tactical Communication Options
o       The message initiator (the source)/the sender.
o       The medium.
o       The message.
o       The target audience (the receivers).
o       Feedback – the receiver’s response.

·        The traditional communications model doesn’t tell the whole story…
o       Consumers have many choices available and greater control to process messages
o       Permission marketing
More successful in persuading the consumers who have agreed to let him or her try.

·        Consumers are now proactive in communications process: VCRs, DVRs, video-on-demand, pay-per-view TV, Caller ID, Internet

·        The source of a message can have a big impact on the likelihood that a message will be accepted
·        Expert, celebrity, or “typical consumers”?
o       Utilitarian products/high performance risk products: vacuums
o       High social risk product: jewelry, furniture
o       Everyday product/low risk product; cookies
·        Two particularly important source characteristic: credibility & attractiveness

·       The Source Credibility
o       Source’s perceived expertise, objectivity, or trustworthiness
o       Credibility of informal sources
Strong – have nothing to gain from the transaction; WOM
o       Credibility of formal sources
Not-for-profit sources > for-profit sources
·        Credibility of Spokespersons and Endorsers
o        Endorser credibility are important when message comprehension is low
o       Match must exist between product attributes and endorser attributes
o       Credibility is higher when endorser’s demographic characteristic are similar to those of target audience
o       ………..(the person)?
·        Message Credibility
o       The source
o       The reputation of the medium; the retailer
o       Consumer’s previous experience with the product
·        The Sleeper Effect
o       The process whereby differences in attitude change between positive and negative sources seem to diminish overtime
o       Both positive and negative credibility effects tend to disappear after a period of time (six weeks)
o       Dissociative cue hypothesis: over the time the source and the message become disassociated in the consumer’s mind; consumers simply forget the source faster than they forget the message
·        Source Bias
o       Knowledge bias: source’s knowledge about a topic is not accurate
o       Reporting bias: a source has the required knowledge but his or her willingness to convey it accurately is compromised (Taufik & Yonex)
o       Britney Spears drinks coca-cola & “drives Honda City”; Jamie Aditya drinks Teh Botol, etc.
·        Hype Vs Buzz: The Corporate Paradox
o       Hype: corporate propaganda planted by a company to create product sensation; inauthentic
o       Buzz: word of mouth that is viewed as authentic and generated by customers
o       The corporate paradox: the more involved a company appears to be in the dissemination of news about its products, the less credible it becomes.
·        The Source Attractiveness
o       The source’s perceived social value
o        “What is beautiful is good” stereotype : physical attractiveness
o        Celebrities as communications sources; match-up hypothesis; the drawbacks of celebrity endorsers
§        Madonna & Coca-cola
o       Non human endorsers
§        Cartoon characters and mascots, virtual models

·        Words or Picture?
o       Verbal stimuli affect the utilitarian aspects of a product
§        High involvement situation; more frequent exposure
o       Visual stimuli affect aesthetic evaluations
o       Verbal element are more effective when reinforced by an accompanying picture: increase consumer recall of the verbal information
·        Repetition
o       Double-edged sword: awareness Vs habituation
o       Limiting the amount of exposure per repetition (15 second spots)
·        One-Versus Two-Sides Messages?
o       One sided; stress only favorable informations
o       Two sided: both good and bad points are presented
o       Friendly Vs unfriendly/critical audience
·        Draw Conclusions?
o       Personally relevant message: people will pay attention to it and spontaneously inferences
o       Hard to follow arguments or consumer’s motivation to follow is lacking: draw conclusions
·        Comparative Advertising?
o       Brand positioning strategis
o       Assist recall of the competitor’s brand?
Ex: Clorox wipes Vs Windex Wipes, KIA spectra VS Toyota Corolla
·        Message Framing?
o       Positive message framing: stress the benefits to be gained by using the products – low involvement situations; independent self image
o       Negative message framing: stress the benefits to be lost by not using the product – high involvement situations; interdependent self-view
·        Order Effects?
o       Primacy effect Vs recency effect
o       The first, the last or in between?
·        Emotional Vs Rational Appeals
o       The kind of audience (education)
o       The degree of involvement
·        Sexual Appeals
o       Varies from country to country
o       Must be relevant to the product
·        Humorous Appeals
o       Low involvement products
o       The audience already has positive attitudes toward the brand
o       Younger, better-educated, upscale, professional tend to be more receptive
o       Humor attracts attention
o       Humor does not harm comprehension
o       Humor is not more effective at increasing persuasion
o       Humor doesn’t enhance source credibility
o       Humor enhance liking
o       Humor that is relevant to the product is superior to humor that is unrelated to the product
o       Audience demographic factors affect the response to humourous advertising appeals
o       The nature of the product affects the appropriateness of humorous treatment
o       Humor is more effective with existing products than with new products
Humor is more appropriate for low-involvement product and feeling-oriented products than for high-involvement products.

·        Fear Appeals
Negative relationship between the intensity of fear appeals and their ability to persuade
More commonly used in social marketing context
Should be examined carefully before they are used.

Komunikasi yang interaktif menjadi penting saat ini, karena dengan begitu diharapkan proses komunikasi berjalan dengan lebih lancar. Feedback yang dihasilkan juga sesuai dengan apa yang diharapkan.
Jika dihubungkan dengan dunia periklanan, komunikasi interaktif penting dalam membantu menentukan strategi periklanan yang tepat. Praktisi komunikasi dapat menggunakan komunikasi interaktif untuk membuat iklan yang interaktif juga.
Di dalam hubungan masyarakat, seorang public relation diharapkan dapat memperkenalkan perusahaan kepada public dengan cara yang positif dan juga interaktif.
Ringkasan perkuliahan dari Dr.Chairy
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